The basis of our educational programs is to arouse curiosity and create a relationship with the Ocean. In addition to the curriculum, our pedagogy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals and we link experiences in the Ocean such as netting, snorkelling and boat trips, to theory through exercises and discussions about sustainability.
Lek & leta på naturum
Target group: Preschool 3-5 years, preschool classes, year 1
Number of participants: 20 participants + teachers
Time required: 1.5 h incl. time for snack
Location: naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
Naturum Öresund is a place for discoveries and experiences and this winter preschoolers, preschool classes and year 1 can learn about Öresund's fascinating ecosystem by exploring and creating in the Lek och leta program at Naturum.
In this educational program, the children learn more about their immediate environment beneath the surface by getting to know those who live in Öresund's exciting underwater world. The program is designed to combine play and learning through, among other things, species hunting in the exhibition and free creation in naturum's creative workshop.
The program includes time for snack and, when the weather permits, some free play at the Öresund thematic playground, which is right next to the Naturum.
Beach finds and sea animals
Target group: Preschool 3-5 years
Number of participants: 30 participants + educators
Time required: Session 1: 2.5 h
Session 2: 1 h
Location: Session 1: naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
Session 2: At your preschool
In Beach Finds and Sea Animals, children explore the beach in search of exciting finds. What can beach finds teach us about the sea? The program includes two meetings – a day out at naturum Öresund and a meeting at the preschool.
During the day out, the children go on a discovery trip on the beach and look for beach finds together with naturum Öresund's educator. The children also explore naturum Öresund's exhibition. The beach findings are taken back to the preschool for further work.
The day out is followed up with a meeting at the preschool when an educator from naturum Öresund visits the children to see how they worked on their findings. The children present their beach finds from the day out in any way they like, and there is also time to ask curious questions!
The program package is a collaboration between Pedagogisk Inspiration and naturum Öresund
Rädda havet med Sjöbusan
Target group: Preschool, elementary school year 1, special needs school
Number of participants: 26 participants + teacher
Time required: 2.5 h incl. time for snack
Location: Naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
In this program we introduce our vital ocean to our younger participants. A message in a bottle from Sjöbusan leads to play and learning about why the ocean is so important.
In wading pants and equipped with nets and water binoculars, the children also explore life below the surface and discover what animals and plants live there.
Håll balansen i havet
Target group: Primary school year 2-3, special primary school
Number of participants: 26 participants + teachers
Time required: 2.5 h incl. time for snack
Location: Naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
Håll balansen i havet is an outdoor-based program where we explore life in the sea and on the shore.
We equip ourselves with wading boots, nets and binoculars and discover the near-shore Öresund and which animals and plants live here. We introduce the different parts of the ecosystem both through netting and assignments on the beach. Together we take a closer look at the species we find and create an understanding of life in Öresund.
Lek & leta på naturum
Målgrupp: Förskola 4-5 år, F-klass, anpassad skola
Antal deltagare: 20 barn + pedagoger
Tidsåtgång: 2,5 h inkl. fikastund
Plats: Naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
Naturum Öresund är en plats för upptäckter och upplevelser och i vinter kan förskolebarn, förskoleklasser och årskurs 1 lära sig om Öresunds fascinerande ekosystem genom att utforska och skapa i programmet Lek & Leta på naturum.
I detta pedagogiska program får barnen lära sig mer om sin närmiljö under ytan genom att bekanta sig med de som bor och lever i Öresunds spännande undervattensvärld. Programmet är utformat för att kombinera lek och lärande genom bland annat artjakt i utställningen och fritt skapande i naturums kreativa verkstad.
I programtiden ingår paus för medtagen fika och, när vädret tillåter, en stunds fri lek på temalekplatsen Öresund som ligger precis bredvid Naturum.
Upptäck havet
Target group: Upper secondary school years 1-3, special needs secondary school
Number of participants: 15 participants + teachers
Time required: 2.5 h incl. snack break
Location: naturum Öresund, Ribersborgsstigen 4, Malmö
In our educational program "Upptäck havet" we explore Öresund through snorkelling and free-diving. Freediving means staying under the surface of the water while holding your breath. In our case, that means investigating what lies beneath the surface of our shallow ocean. We start the morning by talking about Öresund and its unique ecosystem and go through things to think about when free-diving. To get comfortable in the water we do some breathing and relaxation exercises traditionally used in free-diving and yoga.
Equipped with wetsuits, fins and a mask and snorkel we then give you the opportunity to dive into the wonderful world of the sea in a way that is both relaxed, safe and stimulating.